I don't even know how to start this one so here it goes. The story is true. The names have been change to protect me!
On Wednesday, during the Rotary Club luncheon, the Mayor wanted to spotlight the Fire Dept to the local business community. His plan was to simulate a cardiac arrest, have the firemen present render aid, and take the opportunity to educate the public.
A city council member volunteered for this bit of acting and was subsequently educated by the medics as to how to act.
There were several shortcomings to this bird-brained plan, one of which was the fact that there were about ten additional firemen present at the meeting. This bunch was not privy to the plan.
Councilman H. tipped over at the lunch table, as planned. The crew from Station 4 dove in, as planned. Captain J. from Engine 5, believing that Councilman H. was truly having an emergency, and seeing that Fireman M. was doing sub-par chest compressions, as planned, relieved M. of his duties and went to work, as any well trained fireman would. NOT PLANNED!
The "Patient" took the first few compressions like a champ! Not even a whisper. But after about number seven or eight, he began to wince. The show wasn't over yet, though. Capt J. looks to Medic H. and says, "H., I think you should check him. I think he's coming around!" That's when the confusion really set in. "Didn't anyone tell you?" Was the question posed. "What do you mean?" "This is staged, J. He's faking." Things weren't quit as comical after that. "Are you kidding me? Are you f****** kidding me? This is f***** up!!!!!"
Captain J. excused himself in a rather colorful fashion, which is probably best. I'm sure he would have said something to be regretted later.
Councilman H. was taken to the hospital for broken ribs and understandable chest pain.
Dude. I think worker's comp will be involved.