September 10, 2001

"Good days, bad days. Up days, down days. Sad days, happy days, but never a boring day on this job. You do what God has called you to do. You show up. You put one foot in front of another. You get on the rig and you do the job, which is a mystery and a suprise. You have no idea when you get on that rig, no matter how big the call, no matter how small, you have no idea what God's calling you to do. You love this job. We all do. What a blessing that is. A difficult, difficult job, and God calls you to it and he gives you a love for it, so that a difficult job will be well done." -Father Mychal Judge

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Culture of Preparedness

With everything that's going on in the world today, I hope everyone's thoughts have turned to what can be done to be a little more self reliant. Following the destruction of Hurricane Katrina, I heard from several city officials how the Mormons were on the scene almost immediately. They commented on how the Mormons live in a "Culture of Preparedness". Being raised LDS, I grew up hearing the counsel to keep a full year's supply of food for your entire family. I have heard the same counsel that millions of other members of the church have heard. Now I'm not saying that I'm there. We're far from it. I do feel like we are doing everything in our means to be more self reliant. Ridding ourselves of debt and taking the steps necessary to look after our needs. Now I pose the question, rhetorical or not, you choose. What have you done recently to see to your long term needs? Us? Most recently we added 40 gallons of water to our stores and finished up my long term medical supplies.

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